For Allah’s Sake, never underestimate yourself.
If you are not good at doing many good deeds, then at least be good
(excel) at avoiding sins and evil deeds.
Good deeds that are done for Allah’s sake and sincere belief in Allah lead to Heaven, while staying away from evil deeds may be a good protection from entering Hell. Both -performing good deeds for Allah’s sake and staying away from Allah’s prohibitions- can insha-Allah be a great means to enter Heaven.
Some good deeds you, as a Muslim, must do: Praying to Allah every day and night, saying our du’as/supplications and remembering Allah everyday, fulfilling the five pillars of Islam and six pillars of Iman (faith), enjoining good deeds and forbidding evil deeds, introducing or teaching Islam to others, taking care of our parents and developing the good Islamic character and morals the Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam beautifully had etc.
Some bad deeds / sins you should avoid: Deliberately missing one’s obligatory salahs/prayers, making fun of the religious and God-fearing Muslims, listening to dirty songs and watching porn, making it a habit to backbite and spread gossip, frequently telling lies, separating Muslim friends and loved ones from each other, breaking family ties/relations, having unlawful premarital relationships, flirting/gazing or unnecessarily staring at non-Mahrams, stealing, being unforgiving and obnoxiously arrogant, frequently imitating the lifestyles of those whom Allah hates or staying away from the Sunnah/tradition of the Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam etc.
May Allah make us Muslims among His friends whom He (Allah) loves and will welcome in Heaven near Him and His beloved Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Ameen.
Good deeds that are done for Allah’s sake and sincere belief in Allah lead to Heaven, while staying away from evil deeds may be a good protection from entering Hell. Both -performing good deeds for Allah’s sake and staying away from Allah’s prohibitions- can insha-Allah be a great means to enter Heaven.
Some good deeds you, as a Muslim, must do: Praying to Allah every day and night, saying our du’as/supplications and remembering Allah everyday, fulfilling the five pillars of Islam and six pillars of Iman (faith), enjoining good deeds and forbidding evil deeds, introducing or teaching Islam to others, taking care of our parents and developing the good Islamic character and morals the Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam beautifully had etc.
Some bad deeds / sins you should avoid: Deliberately missing one’s obligatory salahs/prayers, making fun of the religious and God-fearing Muslims, listening to dirty songs and watching porn, making it a habit to backbite and spread gossip, frequently telling lies, separating Muslim friends and loved ones from each other, breaking family ties/relations, having unlawful premarital relationships, flirting/gazing or unnecessarily staring at non-Mahrams, stealing, being unforgiving and obnoxiously arrogant, frequently imitating the lifestyles of those whom Allah hates or staying away from the Sunnah/tradition of the Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam etc.
May Allah make us Muslims among His friends whom He (Allah) loves and will welcome in Heaven near Him and His beloved Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Ameen.
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