Sunday 30 December 2012

.: ADVICE: To My Brothers And Sisters In Islam -Mercy & Love For Allah's Sake-

When an atheist imbecile tries to insult you,
Calls you names that you obviously are not,
When a disbeliever ignorant of his idiocy
Calls a niqaabi sister “ninja” or asks if the hijaab is hot,
Or when an insecure unbeliever calls a Muslim man –
Because of his beard: “Fanatic”, “extremist” or “terrorist”
While that Muslim is a merciful human against all kinds of injustice –
And when a lunatic unbeliever comes up to you to say
That “you Muslims are weird” know that this random unbeliever
Is but an infantile mule, just learning how to bray.
And this unmannered unbeliever, oblivious to his folly,
Is too a dog inside the body of a fool, who
Loves to bark at those he envies each night and day.
So just ignore the barks of such unbelievers
Who are jealous of us for being the only ones on the right way -
For being God’s friends and insha-Allah the winners
-And they the loser unbelievers- on Judgment Day.
Also remember that the du’as of the oppressed Muslim
Will always be answered so keep calling unto Allah.
May Allah guide the ignorant and May Allah answer all our good du’as.

Show mercy unto the ignorant unbelievers by ignoring what they say,
For they are loaded with so much ignorance and pride of their foolishness,

They are cursed with the inability to see the right way (Islam).
Pray for their guidance, that they be free from their idiocy someday.

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